Michael's Sword Auric Spray
Created to cleanse, rebalance, and re-energise the aura or energetic field of a person or environment. To cleanse your crystal jewellery, spray into the air, then waft jewellery through the mist - do not spray directly on your jewellery.
Sprays are sold in 50ml and/or 100ml glass bottles, and the chosen vibrational essences are preserved in a solution of water, vodka, and pure essential oils.
Michael's Sword Auric Spray - An energetically purifying and protective room and auric spray, that also holds the space for deep transformation to take place in a gentle, loving way. Perfect for cleansing sacred space before and after individual and group work, or for use anywhere energies feel troubled or stagnant.
Created with the vibrations of Rose Quartz and Quantum Quattro, KUTA-0 Essence, KUTA-1 Essence, and the energies of Archangel Michael. Finished with the pure essential oils of Rose, Lemon, Patchouli, and Benzoin.
Directions: spray around the auric body, or the room, as and when needed. Do not ingest or spray near eyes.
There are no contraindications - vibrational essence sprays support the emotions and the spirit, and are safe for everyone.
This is a well being product, and is not intended to replace medical or psychological advice.