It's not just about the stone when you buy a piece of my jewellery. At least, not to my mind. Energy is in everything - literally, we are all made up of it - and the conscious energy of the intimate and immaculate design of life weaves through all.
Metal is from the earth (sometimes from outer space), just like stones. And just like stones, they have their own healing qualities, even physically so in their chemistry, though I tend to work with their energetic properties more. But the two are never separate.
Metal is from the earth (sometimes from outer space), just like stones. And just like stones, they have their own healing qualities, even physically so in their chemistry, though I tend to work with their energetic properties more. But the two are never separate.
Known as carrying the energy of Venus, this is a powerful conductor of electricity, used to direct lightning, and in countless industrial products we use. It is the earliest known metal to be used by humans (IRO 9000 years ago). I use copper when I want an oomph to any magickal or energetic work I'm doing, from healing to channelling. Because it's a good conductor, it can help you be a good conduit. (It doesn't do any of this on its own - just like stones and crystals, you have to consciously work with their vibration.) Copper can encourage love, can be used in all issues of lust and the womb; feminine balancing, clearing, and strength.
In terms of wiring, brass can be more tricky to work with as it's a little less malleable. On a physical level, it has lower conductivity than copper, but it's still good. The beautiful thing about brass - energetically - is that it's warming. It's a lovely heart metal. Think of brass instruments and how you have to use your lungs to work them. That entire area from your throat to your stomach gets a workout. Brass is good for familial and societal nurturing, bringing communities and people together, encouraging synchronicity and partnership, bringing hope and happiness... I actually love it quite a lot, and don't use it as often as I should in wiring. I'll make it a point to.
Aluminium is an interesting metal. Its energy tends to be of a higher vibration than one might expect. It speeds things up, and is quite a joyful, yet calming metal, that is a good conductor of energy and flexible both physically and energetically. It's connected to the number 13. It's probably the most common metal found in the earth, and its found easily at the top of the earth's crust. In terms of wiring, it's the easiest wire to use - so light and very, very flexible. Its often used as a beginner's wire for jewellery making as its very forgiving of mistakes. And of course, it doesn't tarnish as easily as other metals. You can bend thicker wires easily with aluminium, so it can be great for wiring larger stones. Personally, I like it less for wiring because I miss the weight of the other metals, but energetically, its an aid to transformational work - shadow work, transmutation, death and rebirth - and has a very "whatever will be, will be" feel about it; it helps you find balance when things are a little pressured. Just like brass, I should probably work with it more.
Loved by so many people, there are many different qualities and finishes to silver, from Tibetan silver, to antique silver, the famous Sterling Silver, and the very high quality "fine silver" (very pure), the last two being the most expensive. Silver is a moon metal, and a goddess metal (often used for night goddess, or dark goddess work) carrying the principle of the feminine, like copper. Whereas copper is a more present energy, silver aids in past life and inner-child work, helping to heal traumas and old wounds. Silver works well for ancestral work (as does gold), as well as dreamwork, journeying, and meditative states.
The regal metal. The metal of Leo and lions, crowns and kings. Gold has been held in high value by the human species ever since it was discovered, and no one knows exactly when that was, although we do know the Romans and ancient Egyptians prized it. There is record of fine gold jewellery made by the ancient Mesopotamians nearly 3000 years ago. There is a long-held association between gold and the sun. Alchemically and in Latin its known as Aurum, which means yellow - and Aurora in ancient Roman means "morning glow" and also refers to "the eastern country" or the direction of the east, where the sun rises. Energetically, it aids you with ascensional work, higher consciousness work, and higher spiritual attainment. The halos of saints and enlightened beings (their aura) were all depicted as golden. It's also a very cleansing metal, and purifying. Gold wire for jewellery (usually bought as 24 carat) is expensive, just like 924 Sterling Silver, and fine silver.
Other Metals
Not used so much in jewellery - unless very cheap fashion jewellery - is tin, stainless steel, and steel alloys. Sometimes, though they are used to make jewellery findings because they're so cheap, plentiful, and don't tarnish as easily. They will each have their own energetic properties, too (tin is an interesting one), although I think I'll save that for another post, another article.