The descriptions I give of the crystals in my store are based not only on folklore and what I have learnt and been taught over the years, but the information I directly receive through working with crystals. The info is intuitive and meant as guidance only. Many of the terms and crystal properties within my product descriptions (and given below) may be familiar to you through other sources - they are 'general knowledge' when it comes to crystal metaphysics - but some of it might not be, as I also receive my own instructions when working with crystals that may not be written. You might, too. We're working with energy, and energy is transmutable from person to person. The trick to any energy work, is to trust yourself and what you intuit - master how you receive energy - then learn how you best utilise that energy for the betterment of either yourself or others.
My own information does not discount any other information out there about crystals. There is a world of knowledge and experience available. However, nothing in heaven or on earth is going to replace the validity of your own experience. In any area of life; your own experience determines how you connect with the world, with people and with yourself. Your experience is vital for your growth and for the impact you make in the world. So trust yourself and your own judgement in the first instance when working with crystals, and - beyond practical safety advice - don't let anyone tell you what you 'should' or 'shouldn't' do with them. If you see a crystal in my shop that calls to you regardless of what anyone says about its properties, then it's likely meant for you.
My own information does not discount any other information out there about crystals. There is a world of knowledge and experience available. However, nothing in heaven or on earth is going to replace the validity of your own experience. In any area of life; your own experience determines how you connect with the world, with people and with yourself. Your experience is vital for your growth and for the impact you make in the world. So trust yourself and your own judgement in the first instance when working with crystals, and - beyond practical safety advice - don't let anyone tell you what you 'should' or 'shouldn't' do with them. If you see a crystal in my shop that calls to you regardless of what anyone says about its properties, then it's likely meant for you.
Types of Quartz Crystals
Friend Stones / Companion Stones: This is a term I created after working with some of these crystals and understanding that they are meant to be used by anyone - anyone at all. You don't have to be a healer or know anything about crystals at all for them to be effective - you just have to carry them around. They all have different personalities and different things to convey. All they want in return is to share their time with you. They're very sociable crystals that like to be carried, passed between hands, and used a lot. Think 'man's best friend' but in crystal form.
Empathic Warriors: These are crystals that have been damaged, usually whilst mined. Often, they have re-healed themselves a little, but even if they haven't, it is possible to heal them over time by cleansing, nurturing, charging them, and so on. They are warriors because of their survival through trauma and as a result can be highly beneficial to anyone who is trying to survive their own trauma, whatever it may be. They usually continue to need healing, so those who work with them will find that while they are going through their healing process, the stone is healing, too. To this end, a beautiful, symbiotic, mirrored relationship is formed between crystal and person. Empathic warriors are rough, uncut, unpolished, natural stones that have been wounded (broken tips, surface scratches, etc) - they can sometimes not be quite as nice to look at as the stunning, clear, polished variety, but that makes them no less powerful. In fact, they may even be more so. Empathic Warriors can also be Friend stones, or they can be Healer / Worker stones.
Healer Stones / Worker Stones: These are often, but not always, empathic warriors. They want to work for you; they want to be used; they want to heal. They are crystals that have either not been programmed, or are open to being re-programmed and used for the facilitator's needs. I find that Lemurian crystals cannot be re-programmed - they have their specific information that cannot be wiped - they are not Worker stones (they are communicators). Atlantean crystals can be programmed (and often accidentally are), but shouldn't be because their information was meant for keeps (oops!), but it's often hard to tell the difference between an Atlantean crystal and a "regular" clear quartz crystal. Regular quartz crystals can be programmed and here you'll find your Worker stones. Even without programming, you'll find they have their own personalities and traits, but you'll know if you can programme them because there'll be no resistance to it. In fact, you'll find they positively bloom from it over a period of time. Being programmed and working for you, heals them as well as you/others.
Atlantean Crystals: As you might guess, this is a crystal that carries information from the Altantean time period. Atlantis was not just a place - like Greece, or Egypt, or any other country or island - but a particular time in history: At-lant-is = All Land [is] Ice. Crystal (or "krystal") is synonymous with "ice" in the Greek language - one word derives from the other. Krystallos means sparkling, clear ice, crystal, ice. Atlantis was a time when we all knew how to speak and work with crystals; much of it was made of crystals - it was a crystalline haven.
Often (but not always) Atlantean quartz crystals are extremely clear (not milky at all), with watery-looking formations inside the crystal itself. They are so clear, they have a slightly magical sheen to them - the light catches them in a slightly different way to Lemurian crystals or regular quartz. (Herkimer diamonds have a similar sheen.) One of my own Atlantean crystals has a huge window on one facet through which information can be "seen" and envisioned. It's my understanding from my own guides that Atlantean crystals should not be cleansed with salt water as this might wipe their programming (incidentally, this is not the case for Lemurian crystals). Smudging with White Sage is preferred by Atlantean crystals. Burying them in soil for 24 hours will also do. If you feel like they need water on them, hold them under rain water, not salt water.
Lemurian Crystals: (also called Lemurian Seed Crystals) These crystals carry information from the Lemurian time period. Whether Lemuria was a place or a period in time, I am not sure as I have not received this information, but most people consider it to be an actual place that existed. Often (but not always) these quartz crystals are a little rough and cloudy, with ridges (thin lines) on one or more facets of the crystal. One or more of their facets can appear to have something similar to a matte finish. Sometimes you will also see small nicks along the length of it, as if someone's gone and jabbed it several times with a sharp-pointed chisel. These are all indications of their previous (permanent) programming. Their programming cannot be wiped. There may very well be exceptions to this rule - I just haven't come across any yet. Their information, however can be scrambled due to any trauma they might withstand during mining, or elsewhere. It can then be difficult to interpret their messages, even after healing the crystals.
There are also Record Keepers, Diamond Window quartz points, Double-Terminated points, Tabular crystals, Generator Crystals, Past Life Window crystals, Future Window crystals, crystals that healers specifically use for channelling, and so on. Their shape, any etched patterns, and facets, often determine which of the above they are. You may have heard of some of these terms, and if you enter them as searches into your browser, you'll get some answers. I may include more information about them on this site in time. For now, I don't want to complicate things too much. I channel what I channel from the stones, regardless of which of the above they are.
Empathic Warriors: These are crystals that have been damaged, usually whilst mined. Often, they have re-healed themselves a little, but even if they haven't, it is possible to heal them over time by cleansing, nurturing, charging them, and so on. They are warriors because of their survival through trauma and as a result can be highly beneficial to anyone who is trying to survive their own trauma, whatever it may be. They usually continue to need healing, so those who work with them will find that while they are going through their healing process, the stone is healing, too. To this end, a beautiful, symbiotic, mirrored relationship is formed between crystal and person. Empathic warriors are rough, uncut, unpolished, natural stones that have been wounded (broken tips, surface scratches, etc) - they can sometimes not be quite as nice to look at as the stunning, clear, polished variety, but that makes them no less powerful. In fact, they may even be more so. Empathic Warriors can also be Friend stones, or they can be Healer / Worker stones.
Healer Stones / Worker Stones: These are often, but not always, empathic warriors. They want to work for you; they want to be used; they want to heal. They are crystals that have either not been programmed, or are open to being re-programmed and used for the facilitator's needs. I find that Lemurian crystals cannot be re-programmed - they have their specific information that cannot be wiped - they are not Worker stones (they are communicators). Atlantean crystals can be programmed (and often accidentally are), but shouldn't be because their information was meant for keeps (oops!), but it's often hard to tell the difference between an Atlantean crystal and a "regular" clear quartz crystal. Regular quartz crystals can be programmed and here you'll find your Worker stones. Even without programming, you'll find they have their own personalities and traits, but you'll know if you can programme them because there'll be no resistance to it. In fact, you'll find they positively bloom from it over a period of time. Being programmed and working for you, heals them as well as you/others.
Atlantean Crystals: As you might guess, this is a crystal that carries information from the Altantean time period. Atlantis was not just a place - like Greece, or Egypt, or any other country or island - but a particular time in history: At-lant-is = All Land [is] Ice. Crystal (or "krystal") is synonymous with "ice" in the Greek language - one word derives from the other. Krystallos means sparkling, clear ice, crystal, ice. Atlantis was a time when we all knew how to speak and work with crystals; much of it was made of crystals - it was a crystalline haven.
Often (but not always) Atlantean quartz crystals are extremely clear (not milky at all), with watery-looking formations inside the crystal itself. They are so clear, they have a slightly magical sheen to them - the light catches them in a slightly different way to Lemurian crystals or regular quartz. (Herkimer diamonds have a similar sheen.) One of my own Atlantean crystals has a huge window on one facet through which information can be "seen" and envisioned. It's my understanding from my own guides that Atlantean crystals should not be cleansed with salt water as this might wipe their programming (incidentally, this is not the case for Lemurian crystals). Smudging with White Sage is preferred by Atlantean crystals. Burying them in soil for 24 hours will also do. If you feel like they need water on them, hold them under rain water, not salt water.
Lemurian Crystals: (also called Lemurian Seed Crystals) These crystals carry information from the Lemurian time period. Whether Lemuria was a place or a period in time, I am not sure as I have not received this information, but most people consider it to be an actual place that existed. Often (but not always) these quartz crystals are a little rough and cloudy, with ridges (thin lines) on one or more facets of the crystal. One or more of their facets can appear to have something similar to a matte finish. Sometimes you will also see small nicks along the length of it, as if someone's gone and jabbed it several times with a sharp-pointed chisel. These are all indications of their previous (permanent) programming. Their programming cannot be wiped. There may very well be exceptions to this rule - I just haven't come across any yet. Their information, however can be scrambled due to any trauma they might withstand during mining, or elsewhere. It can then be difficult to interpret their messages, even after healing the crystals.
There are also Record Keepers, Diamond Window quartz points, Double-Terminated points, Tabular crystals, Generator Crystals, Past Life Window crystals, Future Window crystals, crystals that healers specifically use for channelling, and so on. Their shape, any etched patterns, and facets, often determine which of the above they are. You may have heard of some of these terms, and if you enter them as searches into your browser, you'll get some answers. I may include more information about them on this site in time. For now, I don't want to complicate things too much. I channel what I channel from the stones, regardless of which of the above they are.
Programming Crystals
*All quartz crystals (Clear, Milky, Rose, Amethyst, Smoky, etc) can be programmed, apart from (in our my experience) Lemurian crystals. It's as if Lemurian crystals have had a lock put on their hard drive, which they probably have by whomever programmed them in the first place with the information they carry.
*Silica receives and translates information.
I will not programme your crystal for you (nor will I do spells for you) - my aim is to help you become your own magician, so I encourage you to programme your crystals yourselves, and I'm happy to give you guidance on the ways you can programme a crystal for your needs. We are all magicians, and it's time to take that power back.
I do, sometimes, have already-programmed crystals for sale. These will be in the store and what they've been programmed for will be stated in the item description.
The simplest way to programme a crystal is to ground and centre yourself (as if settling into meditation) then focus your intent on the stone in your hand and send the words, images, and feelings in your mind into it. A clear mind and heart is essential, or you may unintentionally fill it with gunk.
*Silica receives and translates information.
I will not programme your crystal for you (nor will I do spells for you) - my aim is to help you become your own magician, so I encourage you to programme your crystals yourselves, and I'm happy to give you guidance on the ways you can programme a crystal for your needs. We are all magicians, and it's time to take that power back.
I do, sometimes, have already-programmed crystals for sale. These will be in the store and what they've been programmed for will be stated in the item description.
The simplest way to programme a crystal is to ground and centre yourself (as if settling into meditation) then focus your intent on the stone in your hand and send the words, images, and feelings in your mind into it. A clear mind and heart is essential, or you may unintentionally fill it with gunk.
"Broken" Crystals
I often receive crystals considered too damaged or broken to sell at retail level (a lot of people only buy crystals because they look pretty). I pay this no mind. My focus is on their energy rather than how they look and, more often than not, a 'damaged' or imperfect crystal can offer more power and healing than a 'perfect' one, because it has utilised remarkable amounts of energy in an attempt to heal itself. I work with my crystals to make sure they're ready and at a good level of wholeness and vibrational force before placing them in my store. Crystals are not like other gift items. As far as I'm concerned, you can't get a 'spoiled' or 'second-hand' crystal. That's like saying, 'we're getting a second-hand puppy'. Like pets, or plants, the more time one spends working with and caring for crystals, the more vibrant and receptive they'll become. They'll help to heal you and become like your best friends.
First written in 2015.